Module 1 Handbook

Identifying investments requiring FAIR and safeguarded data

You can identify investments that will require FAIR and safeguarded data as they feature the following activities.

  1. Collecting new data or information
    For example, for analysis
  2. Stakeholder collaboration
    Collaboration between actors often relies on the ability to share data and information between them  
  3. Developing digital services
    Creating services or applications from data derived from third party sources and transformed in some way to generate insights 
  4. Providing tailored services or insights
    Tailoring services are likely to include personal or sensitive information. They will depend on high quality data and evidence and to be able to trust and reuse that data.
  5. Sharing or publishing data
    An investment may be focussed entirely on improving sharing of data, for example via Soil Information Systems.

Toolbox checklist

You can find a checklist in the toolbox to identify which investments will require FAIR and safeguarded data within them. The checklist builds on the 5 points above, providing examples of activities within each theme.