Module 2 handbook

The role of the BMGF as a stakeholder

The BMGF invests in initiatives aimed to help leaders and local institutions chart their own path. Including:

  • investing in technical infrastructure
  • improving skills and knowledge
  • the creation of policies and processes to support FAIR and safeguarded data practices
The BMFG supports the enabling environment by:

1. Supporting people

  • improving data literacy and skills
  • facilitating engagement with communities that create or are impacted by the data
  • facilitating engagement with those who supply tools and services that use data

2. Supporting the creation of policy and process

  • encouraging and facilitating collaboration with domain experts, community leaders and governments to help them chart their own path.

3. Support access, use and sharing of data by investing in standards and technologies

  • to ensure its long-term sustainability
Graphic showing six faces representing stakeholder roles